Signs Your Child Needs

The teen years are a challenging, confusing time for young people. Their bodies begin to change rapidly. They feel strong, turbulent emotions, but often lack the ability to properly express them. Peer groups become more important than ever before, which may result in pressure to begin drinking or using drugs. If your son is showing signs of mental illness or substance abuse, it may be time to consider a residential program.

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What are the signs that your son needs a residential program?


If your son keeps misbehaving after you’ve condemned his actions, he may require specialized counseling services. Teens who lash out even after typically effective punishments, such as grounding or the loss of privileges, are indicating that they will not be deterred from their current behaviors. Such behavior may be a sign that traditional discipline is no longer working. This is especially true if your son has become disruptive at school, resulting in repeated detentions or suspensions, or if he has gotten in trouble with the law.

A residential program for teenagers is an effective way to change your son’s perspective, show him that actions have consequences and reinforce positive behavior. Consider this approach if things just seem to keep getting worse at school and at home.


Teenagers are famously short-sighted; they live in the moment. Because of this, it is rare for those who have become involved in drinking or drugs to fully understand the consequences of their actions. Even if you keep telling your son why his choices are harmful, you may not be able to get through to him. Odds are, he is more concerned about fitting in with his peers than the long-term health effects of substance abuse.

If your son is constantly throwing the family into crisis without remorse, you should consider admitting him to a long-term residential program. In such an environment, he will be able to receive a complete education about the dangers of addiction. This information equips adolescents to make more informed choices regarding substance use in the future.


Substance abuse rarely occurs out of the blue. It is typically tied to emotional turmoil, peer influence or other stressors. If your son has demonstrated symptoms of deteriorating mental health, is performing poorly at school or has recently begun hanging out with a new crowd, it may be time to enroll him in a residential program.

By taking your son out of his current environment, you eliminate the myriad distractions that may compromise recovery. In an accredited addiction treatment program, he can focus on his mental health full-time. Licensed counselors can help him to gain a new perspective, think carefully about who he wants to be around and prioritize his academic success.


Finding out that your son is involved with drinking and drugs can be a harrowing experience. As a parent, you probably feel as though you’ve tried everything to get through to him. When punishment, enabling, positive reinforcement or stricter rules don’t seem to make a difference, you might feel at a loss for where to turn next.

Don’t feel disheartened if this sounds familiar to you. Teenage substance abuse is a diagnosable condition requiring clinical care – it’s not always something that can be resolved in the home. If your son has resisted all of your attempts to intervene, we suggest seeking primary treatment at a residential facility for teenagers.

accredited private SCHOOL FOR TEENAGE BOYS

We operate a fully accredited private high school just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. Our programs range from grades 8 through 12 and include credit recovery, as well as follow-up academic placement. Our Academic Coordinator works directly with each family to provide support and guidance throughout the treatment process. Parents are able to track their son’s personal and academic progress during his stay through weekly progress reports. ARCH Academy proudly celebrates graduations for those who finish high school while in treatment and meets the graduation requirements defined by the State of Tennessee. We also work in collaboration with collegiate recovery programs for our seniors, ensuring that sobriety and academic success are part of their future. ARCH Academy is an Educational Testing Service approved HiSET testing site. HiSET is the Tennessee equivalent to the GED. In conjunction with Workforce Essentials Adult Education Center, ARCH offers prepared testing for young men who qualify.  Upon discharge, in the event your son does not complete the HiSET Program while at ARCH, the Academic Coordinator will work with your family to locate an Adult Education Site in your area.


At ARCH Academy, we understand the difficult choices that parents face when trying to help their children. When you direct your son to a residential program, you are giving him the gifts of freedom, evidence-based care and a lifelong education.

Contact our admissions team for more information about addiction treatment for teen boys.

My son spent four months at Arch Academy beginning in early April this year. Looking back, I can’t imagine our lives today if we had not made the decision to send him. I absolutely would recommend ARCH to anyone with a child with substance abuse problems.

Parent of an ARCH Academy Alumnus

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