Commonly Used Drugs Among Teens

Though teen drug use is trending downward, issues like peer pressure and a desire to ease the rocky road of adolescence remain. Teenagers may experiment with drugs because they are curious about the effects, or to self-medicate mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. The top drugs used by teens include the following. Adderall […]
Children’s Mental Health Week

While mental health challenges might seem like a uniquely adult problem, children and teens can struggle with complex emotions like sadness, shame and jealousy. These often begin in early childhood and can persist for years if left untreated. As we observe Children’s Mental Health Week, should you be concerned about your son’s well-being? Teen Anxiety […]
Substance Use Trends Among Teens on the Spectrum

Autism is a form of neurodivergence that can present several challenges, including a heightened sensitivity to stimuli and difficulty picking up on social cues. Additionally, recent research suggests autism is a risk factor for developing a substance use disorder. As a parent of a teen with a confirmed or suspected autism diagnosis, here’s what you […]
Protect Teens. Safely Dispose of Unused Prescriptions.

Though your home should be a safe place for every member of your family, many parents don’t recognize the potential danger hiding inside their medicine cabinets. Prescription medications can be a tempting target for curious teenagers, and youthful experiments with drugs can quickly lead to addiction. Every year on April 22, the U.S. Drug Enforcement […]
Observing Self-Injury Awareness Month

Many adolescents today struggle to cope with the stress of growing up in an uncertain world. Young people who are still emotionally immature are especially vulnerable to peer pressure and media depictions telling them how to look and behave. The things they read or watch online can be especially damaging for teenagers’ mental health, which […]
Fostering Mental Wellness in Teens

Beyond the typical moodiness and angst that characterize adolescence, many teens are vulnerable to developing disorders like depression and anxiety. Due to factors like isolation, social media use, stress and bullying, adolescent mental health has rapidly become one of the foremost challenges in American culture. As we observe World Teen Mental Wellness Day on March […]
Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome

Inhalant Abuse, Whippets and Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome The use of inhalants dates back to the 19th century when nitrous oxide was introduced as an intoxicant. Nitrous oxide was recognized for its euphoric mental and physical effects on those who inhaled it. This led to recreational use within upper-class society and later contributed to the […]
Accidentally Enabling During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for family and friends to celebrate together. While most people look forward to the holidays all year, substance abuse can complicate things for everyone involved. Out of love and well-meaning intent, you might attempt to support someone with an active addiction, but instead, you could accidentally encourage them by […]
Social Media Addiction Among Teen Boys

Social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok appeal to teenagers and adults alike. They provide a nearly endless stream of information and entertainment about every imaginable topic, while keeping people connected to each other and exposing them to new ideas. However, there is a dark side of excessive internet use – the possibility of addiction. […]
Stop Enabling Your Teenager

Most of us are familiar with the concept of a “lawnmower parent” – someone who clears the path in front of their child, shielding them from disappointments or adversity. While you may feel this parenting style is the best way to show how much you care about your son and want him to succeed in […]